Every Crumb Is Special


Looking at my plate,
there are a dozen crumbs staring back up at me.
With every bite
another cluster of crumbs falls.
Each one a unique experience.
Each one with a story to tell.
If only there was time enough to savor them all.
If only my consciousness could be divided
into hundreds, into thousands, into millions,
so I might digest the full meal
that is available on the vast plate
of possibilities before me.
What wisdom would I receive?
What perspectives could I become enlightened by?
What elevation should I entertain?

(random poetry by)
Your Creativity Coach,


Bonnie Kelso is a Creativity Coach who uses Creating as a healing modality. She is the author of Vitalize Your Creative Life, a workbook for engaging with your inner creative child. She also facilitates creativity workshops and classes locally in Las Vegas, NV. She is the creator of the ABCs of Conscious Creating, a guided self-study program that delves deeper into the spiritual realm of your unique creative potential. Are you ready to start right now? Do you have 5 Minutes?



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