Mapping Your Next Nine-Year Cycle

Mapping The Nines

Happy New Moon! This is a special New Moon, because it is the last one in 2016, ever! This means we are given an opportunity to set a powerful new intention for not only the next lunar cycle, but also the next year and the next nine-year cycle. No pressure, right?

Recently, I’ve been exploring my past nine-year cycles. I put it in writing, too. There is an undeniable spiritual shift that occurs when you write stuff down. Suddenly thoughts will begin to creep their way into the real world. I started this exercise by writing each year 2008 – 2016. Then I wrote as much as I could remember of what happened in each year—places I went, adventures I had, people who I relied on for support, and feelings I felt. After I wrote a few sentences for each entry, I chose a theme that summed up the feeling of the year for me. For example, in 2009 I struggled with infertility issues. I themed that year Continue reading