Teaching Artist Workshops

I love teaching workshops! I partner with non-profit organizations, libraries, schools, community centers and private groups to provide fun and educational workshops for both children and adults. In the past, I have worked with the Discovery Children’s Museum, Clark County Public Arts, and the Alexander Public Library to mention a few. I specialize in large collaborative projects. If you would like to coordinate with me on an art workshop for your group, please contact me at artistbkelso(at)gmail(dot)com.

Below is a video about an expressionistic painting class I provided for the 55+ community funded by the Nevada Arts Council, National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, and E.A. Michelson Philanthropy.

Teaching Artist Studio Videos

As a teaching artist on the Nevada Arts Council Roster for Schools and Communities, I have created several free online classes for children and the young at heart. Enjoy!

Shape Stories is a two-part lesson. In the first part we will create simple cut-out shapes and explore various compositions with them. By drawing on the imagination we will begin to create characters and potential story ideas. In the second part we will storyboard three frames, each representing the beginning, middle, and ending of our story. This lesson is designed to inspire children to further explore writing and illustrating their own stories.

Grades: 1-3

Creating Depth is a two-part lesson. In the first part I will explain each term as I show examples of images that use background, middle ground, and foreground to create depth. Together we will create a simple drawing with hills and trees to solidify understanding of each plane. Next, I will discuss the use of grayscales and color temperatures to increase depth.

Grades: 1-3

Pop-Up Art is a two-part lesson: In the first part, we will create simple cut-out shapes and explore various ways of twisting and turning them. Then, we will convert these shapes into three-dimensional forms by anchoring the edges with tape to a flat board or paper base.

Grades: 1-3

Click here to view all the Nevada Teaching Artist Studio videos.
Videos created with generous support from: