New! A Playbook for Creative People

dinoHow do you record all of the ideas and insights that come to you every day? Dean and I have been using these customizable Playbooks for the last few years. I’ve made a few adjustments over the years and now I am ready to let you give it a try as well. This tool is in the testing stage so I am very open to receiving feedback on how you use it, what you like about it and how you think it could be improved.

I understand that they may not be ideal for everyone, nor are they meant to be used by everyone. They work well for me and Dean, but we have extremely busy minds that love to document growth as it comes to us in all sorts of symbols, dreams and messages from all the mysterious realms of life.

PlaybookCoverSM tiltIf you are looking for a new creative planner to try this next year to keep your thoughts organized and track your daily evolution, I hope you will give this Playbook a try. It has been an amazing benefit to my own spiritual and professional development as a creative person over the past few years. I love starting each day with a cup of coffee and My Playbook.

I look forward to hearing what your experience of it is. It’s currently available through Amazon so you can order a copy to use for this coming 2019 annual cycle.

Here’s a short video showing you mine and how I use it. I’ve upgraded the cover and fixed a few typos, but for the most part the interior is exactly as shown. It’s 8.5 x 11″ so you can write and draw BIG! 🙂

May all your creative ideas be recorded and treasured!

With love,


Bonnie Kelso writes and illustrates children’s books that celebrate diversity, creativity, and all the special qualities that make each of us unique. Her book EVER OPEN is now available on Amazon in print and for kindle.



Deep in the heart of the Everglades, 26 tiny eggs are beginning to hatch in a giant nest under a tall cypress tree. The fourth alligator to see the light of day is about to embark on a classic hero’s journey. Join Baby D as he explores his world through the innocence and wonder of a natural dreamer. Discover what makes him special while pondering what it might be that makes you special, too.

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