Friday = Art!


I love Tarot Decks. I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a set of my own for years now. This version of “The Star” is from my sketchbook. The Star was my theme for May this year, and it seems that the month of May has slipped by in no time at all. I’ve been so caught up in doing the “life” thing that I’ve had little time to work on my beloved projects. This image reminds me that Continue reading

The Circle

The truth is that, everything always comes back to the circle. The circle represents Infinite Potential. It’s the beginning and the end in one fluid form. It’s the shape of our planets, our sun, and it’s everywhere we look, when we open ourselves to receive. It’s the first lesson I will teach any student or class. It’s the introduction to my work, it’s the introduction to who you really are:

May we never forget that we are all one. Continue reading

Creating Desert Marigolds

desert marigoldYou can’t walk a few feet without seeing one around my neighborhood right now. Their cheerful little heads atop long thin stems bobbing joyfully like little yellow flags in the breeze. They seem to shout out to everyone who passes by, “Hey! Look at me! Wheee!” They are wild and their lives may be short, but together they have the capacity to brighten this dry desert landscape. Their very existence proves that even under the harshest of environments, there is beautiful bubbling life, just waiting for the perfect conditions in which to burst forth. Continue reading

Patiently Receiving Possibility

patiently-receiving-possibility-smThis morning I am allowing myself to sit still quietly… observing. Watchful like the owl in the night, patiently awaiting an impulse to act. Open to all possibilities, half in dream and half awake, silently shifting between the inner and outer worlds. Surrounded by an abundance of inspiration, I delight in the stillness of my own carefully cultivated patience. Continue reading