Meet Kelly Moore: SuperStar 5MinuteCreator

I first met Kelly Moore, talented and innovative musician, through the help of an Angel. I wrote a blog post about “How Angels Work,” and something in my sharing of that story connected me with Kelly who luckily read it. I am a believer that we connect with other people for a reason. There is something we must learn from one another. There may even be a way we will help each other along in our journeys. So, when someone like Kelly pops into your life, pay attention!

Artwork by Kelly Moore.

Kelly was one of the first people to sign up for my 5 Minute Creator Facebook support group. Since joining back in January of this year, he has delighted me by sharing a bounty of creative expressions through this informal and easy going portal designed to do exactly what it is doing. It allows us to connect with others interested in creating art and gives us a safe and supportive environment to share our creations (especially our 5 Minute Creations). I thought Kelly’s story would be inspiring to others who might like exploring their creative gifts with the group as well. So without further ado, I’d like to share my short interview with Kelly here with all of you now.

Bonnie: Hi Kelly, I’m so glad you are willing to talk about your creative life with me. I think the people who follow my blog will find your story inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Kelly: Thank you, Bonnie for your kindness and interest.

Bonnie: Could you please introduce yourself to the readers by saying a little about who you are and what you do?

Kelly: I’m a musician, film music composer, arranger, orchestrator; former theater and TV Lighting Designer and Director, TV and film producer, director, singer, dancer, and humanitarian; and currently budding artist. I’ve lived in Philadelphia, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachussetts, Nashville, Atlanta, Kansas City, North Carolina and now in California.

That only partly answers who I am. It answers what I do with who I am. Who I am, like everyone, is a spirit living in this human body, experiencing the difficulties of such, but also the incredible joy of being a human on this beautiful earth.

Artwork by Kelly Moore

It’s not easy, but recognizing the profound beauty of our spirit-selves and appreciating the sights, sounds, smells, feelings, and experiences as a human being is incredible. This is who I am and get to be. And in whatever way I can, I get to be someone who can help to relay this understanding to others, in music, in art, in simply just being who I am.

Me: You mentioned to me that your mother was an artist. Can you describe what it was like growing up with a parent who nurtured your creative talents?

Kelly: Both my parents were and are very supportive of my artistic choices, from theater, TV and film to music and now also in art. They allowed me to follow my muse. Looking back I can’t really say that I knew that was going on at the time. It just happened.

I never actually knew that my Mom was an artist and only recently discovered Continue reading

Just keep creating…

So, #the100dayProject is about 19 days in now, and how many people have given up? Some people have decided that it’s not easy to create every day. Do I hear you? Literally, some days you have no spare time. You hardly have time to feed yourself, or God help you if you have other creatures depending on you to feed them, too. I have a pet shrimp who somehow lives off of tank algae when I don’t have time for him, and because of this I think he is perhaps the best pet I’ve ever had. The other members of my household are luckily a little more vocal about their needs. Point is, there are days when it seems like there’s just no room for a single creative moment.IMG_2298

Well, at least that’s what you tell yourself. That’s the excuse. The truth is, there is always time for your creative life. Opportunities are presented to you every moment of every day to be creative. It’s all about how you perceive any given moment, especially the chaotic ones. So, even if you haven’t posted your “art du jour” on Instagram, it doesn’t mean you didn’t have an artful moment all day. For example…

Telling a joke, especially one that gets a laugh (even if it’s just from you), can be a welcome and necessary creative event.

Allowing that woman with only one item ahead of you in line… that’s a creative event. It gives you a few extra minutes to practice patience, observe, or enjoy just being.

Noticing how the light reflects on the hair of a loved one. Bam! You just witnessed the miracle of a creative angel. Relish every nano-moment of it.

Whether you are making, observing, being present, or feeling inspired, each part has a place in the creative experience. We have become so focused on the end product that we tend to forget that those most favorite end products came from a long line of small, unappreciated, or seemingly insignificant experiences — every little part of which created the final result. Even those so-called final results are often not the final of anything, but instead just another beginning. So before you beat yourself up for missing a few days of #the100dayProject, just reflect on why you started in the first place. What were you feeling when you started? Were you excited? Were you curious about where this all might lead? Where you wondering if the project you chose would hold your interest?

Playing with my food in public, to the utter horror of the sushi chef.

Whatever initial feelings you had that got you started, now is the perfect time to get back in touch with them. If you can find new enthusiasm to keep going then simply pick up where you left off, you don’t need anyone’s permission to do that. Just do it! If things have changed, then, congrats! You are evolving. Change is growth. Go with that. Whatever you decide to do, please, don’t • stop • creating.

Try to understand that creating always involves so much more than what you think it does.

This is a good thing because it’s in the unexpected moments where curiosity, mystery, and magic begin to percolate. All you have to do is have the patience to notice what is unfolding right before you eyes.

A magically delicious knock off.

I didn’t technically post a new creation every day, but in no way have I dropped out of the project. I’m still all in, baby! I am also seriously enjoying my project. Having always had a strained relationship with food, I am enjoying my theme of playing with my food.  It has liberated me in ways I can’t even fully comprehend yet. I mean, who knew carving cheese was this much fun?


So my advice is, keep up the good work, all of you. I can’t stop hearing Ellen DeGeneres’s voice as Dory, “Just keep creating…”

Sending you all my love and support.

Your Creativity Coach,


Bonnie Kelso is a Creativity Coach who uses Creating as a healing modality. She is the author of Vitalize Your Creative Life, a workbook for engaging with your inner creative child. She also facilitates creativity workshops and classes locally in Las Vegas, NV. She is the creator of the ABCs of Conscious Creating, a guided self-study program that delves deeper into the spiritual realm of your unique creative potential. Are you ready to start right now? Do you have 5 Minutes?



Friday = ART!


Which archetype are you re-creating in your life right now?

Your Creativity Coach,


Bonnie Kelso is a Creativity Coach who uses Creating as a healing modality. She is the author of Vitalize Your Creative Life, a workbook for engaging with your inner creative child. She also facilitates creativity workshops and classes locally in Las Vegas, NV. She is the creator of the ABCs of Conscious Creating, a guided self-study program that delves deeper into the spiritual realm of your unique creative potential. Are you ready to start right now? Do you have 5 Minutes?



A Gift of Healing

For the remainder of the year I will be offering “Graceful Transformation: A Healing Coloring Journey” at a discounted price. This interactive coloring book for adults was developed from a creativity workshop with participants in addiction recovery. It was our collective intention that this book would be used to help others heal from past trauma and pain through mindful creating.

©Bonnie Kelso and Creating Your ExperienceWhether you are in recovery from substances or behavioral addictions, the themes presented in this book will provide you with a helpful exploration of your feelings. Each page asks you to Continue reading